Inspirator App Can Create a Bentley For You
Having trouble deciding what exterior paint color and type of leather you want on your new shiny Bentley? Well another innovative tool created just for that problem is ready for use and increased the interactivity of outfitting your new luxury ride. Bentley has an amazing little app that will take all the difficult stylistic decisions out of buying a $200,000 automobile.
The new Bentley Inspirator app uses your mobile device’s front camera to analyze a customer’s facial expression and emotions as they watch a dynamic movie. The program seeks to use this analysis to understand what you like and dislike and design a custom Bentley just for you. It’s safe to say you could find yourself surprised with what your subconscious may actually want in your Bentley.
A less interactive version of the app is available that lets you simply scroll through and select the different customization pieces you would like on your ride. It might not be a smart idea to go back and use the app once you have already purchased your Bentley, as the app's recommendations might give you buyer’s remorse and you will have to get your car restyled.
With 3D printed cars a thing of the near future and with Bentley rolling out emotion sensing car customization apps, the car buying experience is going through its biggest revolution since the advent of the internet. Customers have always wanted a car at a fair price with the features they like, but soon we may see additional expectations from the car buying experience. Similar to how our mobile devices can be personally customized to our exact needs. It will be interesting to see if the top volume carmakers come out with something similar at their dealerships or if this technology remains something only the wealthy ultra-luxury crowd can tinker with before buying.
The Inspirator is currently only used for customers buying a Bentayga luxury SUV but the company expects to expand its' use to other models in the near future. If you want to test the app out for yourself without having to cough up the dough for a Bentayga, you can test the app out for free over at Bentley's site or at the Apple App Store.